• Establish plans for improvements
  • Banchmark with international standards
  • Increase the competitiveness on the market

Basic Steps for a Software Process Assessment

The Roles

  • Administrators. They administer different service organisations or divisions of a large corporation or network.
  • Content Providers. They maintain the portal content through an easy to use interface for entering new skills models or process assessment models.
  • Organisations. They administer an unlimited number of projects and can create assessments for projects, which creates so called project assessment workspaces.
  • Participants. The participants can do self-assessments, gather notes, print profiles and assessment records. In a formal-assessment they gather evidences electronically and assign them to processes. To extract improvement recommedations from a formal-assessment the participant can view or print assessor comments connected to certain proccesses.
  • Assessor Pool. Organisations can maintain their own assessor pool. Assessors are assigned to assessments of projects and have their own online interface, which is also organised in form of an assessor workbench..

Process Assessment Models

You can view the currently configured process assessment models by selecting Browse domains .

Self Assessment

Perform a self assessment to receive a first profile and to upload evidences for the formal assessment.

Evidence - Produce an Evidence Portfolio

The system allows you to register as participant, select one of the project assessments and start uploading evidences.

Assessment - Formal Assessment and Advice

Once you completed the evidence collection notify the assessors, The assessors will
  • Assessors will rate your process attributes, so that the participant receives formal capability level and attribute rating profiles
  • Make notes to highlight areas where you have demonstrated a level of competence
  • Make notes to highlight areas where you miss competence and why your evidence is not sufficient
  • Produce an assessment log including all ratings and comments.